Sustainability management

Sustainability management

In this decade, the natural, economic, technological and regulatory environment in which companies operate is changing at an increasing pace. Meanwhile, competitors’ tools and customers’ needs are changing rapidly. Even in the short term, the only way to maintain effective operations is for organisations to start preparing for ESG.

The Sustainability Management Program was created to find innovative responses to the challenges of accelerating technological change and global warming. The methodology supports climate adaptation, the most pressing issue of our time, through solutions, a modular design with an emphasis on measurability, building resilience, reducing waste, and achieving sustainable performance based on ESGs.

What commitments will companies face in 2022?

What commitments will companies face in 2022?

  • Fit for 55 – mandatory carbon footprint reduction
  • EU Taxonomy Regulation – extending sustainability audit rules to over-the-counter operators
  • Compliance with green finance conditionality
  • EU tendering obligations to include indicators of demonstrable sustainability actions for developments with a lifetime of more than five years.

How can the company start to address these challenges?

If you have already recognised the pressures of change, you are on the right track!

The next step is to assess the biggest risks in your own supply chain and that of your suppliers. You need to optimise your processes to significantly reduce waste. You must demonstrate sustainable performance to financial institutions and your customers by setting ESGs and indicators. It’s not a simple task, but with the support of the Sustainability Management Programme, you can make great strides in reducing your carbon footprint and meeting regulatory requirements. And with financial competitiveness indicators, you can plan your operating costs related to investments, deconstructed and broken down into annual costs by rate of return.

Once these have been prioritised, you can start to develop your action programmes!

Climate Awareness and Corporate Impact,

Executive Coaching

knowledge & commitment

Climate Awareness and Corporate Impact,

Executive Coaching

knowledge & commitment

Preparation for systemic corporate management of climate impacts in the following topics:

Preparation for systemic corporate management of climate impacts in the following topics:

Factors influencing climate change, causes of anthropogenic climate change, Impacts of climate change on natural and human systems,
Social and economic impacts of climate change,
Sustainable supply chains and corporate adaptation,
Management challenges and sustainability practices,
Impacts of adaptation solutions on corporate competitiveness,
Financial sustainability.

Corporate examples and calculations and indicator expectations.

Business impact and climate risk assessment

risks & vulnerability

Business impact and climate risk assessment

risks & vulnerability

Climate risk assessment and calculation of vulnerability indicators involving decision-makers, trained professionals and stakeholders in the company and supply chain.

Indicators: assessing climate impacts and how to manage them.

Identifying corporate waste

efficiency & process optimisation

Identifying corporate waste

efficiency & process optimisation

The results of the organisational maturity assessment show the extent to which the company uses LEAN tools to eliminate waste, and the efforts it makes to regularly optimise processes and create a culture of improvement. The indicators calculated as a result of the LEAN-based screening can be used to measure the success of further internal projects. Professional co-consultation and refinement of improvement projects are also available as part of the service.

Calculating measurable performance indicators of sustainability

indicators & measurability

Calculating measurable performance indicators of sustainability

indicators & measurability

The indicators developed on the basis of the survey are a solution for EU tenders, green credits, value chain requirements, and thus key to EU regulatory compliance in joining the circular economy! The Sustainability Performance Assessment and the plan based on it will demonstrate performance in meeting the requirements of international organisations, governments, customers and legislation. Corporate performance is measured and presented using 67 GRI indicators. Depending on the size of the company and its activities, it is recommended that 10-20 indicators are selected and developed over an annual period to demonstrate the change in the company’s performance against sustainability expectations.

These measures are primarily aimed at reducing the carbon footprint and emissions of various pollutants, transforming the use of materials and energy, and adopting an adaptive approach. Measuring and disclosing performance towards sustainability and reporting to internal and external stakeholder groups demonstrates trust and responsibility and thus makes the company accountable. Today, it also determines, or at least influences, competitiveness.

Building financial sustainability and competitiveness

cost benefit analysis & sustainability

Building financial sustainability and competitiveness

cost benefit analysis & sustainability

The result is a Competitiveness Index report that provides a quantifiable indication of a company’s current level of readiness and competitive performance. It provides a solid methodology to plan the operating costs and resources allocated to investments. The indicators calculated by the methodology are used as a basis for calculating internal rates of return, projected forward and broken down into annual costs.

Decision-makers and financiers are provided with concrete financial information on the loss they will incur if they do not carry out sustainability calculations, if they ignore the indicators related to carbon footprint reduction.

The methodology assesses a company’s climate adaptation performance along four dimensions:

  1. Energy use and carbon emissions dimension
  2. Learning and development dimension
  3. Internal processes dimension
  4. External stakeholders dimension

Using the benchmarking system, companies can identify current and potential risks from climate change and develop a feasible plan for the adaptation process.

ESG advice and sustainability strategy development

ESG advice and sustainability strategy development

  • Carbon footprint calculation, – carbon or GHG footprint,
  • Ecological footprint,
  • Water footprint,
  • Environmental footprint,
  • Nitrogen footprint.

Ask for an offer!

Our collaborating partners

Our collaborating partners

  • Climate Institute of the University of Miskolc
  • Lean Production Ltd.
  • Cassandra Programme
  • Power Charge Zrt.

EU regulators

EU regulators

  • Taxanomia
  • Links



Experts with decades of multinational executive experience in industries ranging from food to automotive and IT. Expertise in writing and managing EU tenders, GRI sustainability reporting and climate change impact research:

Dr. Zsuzsanna Stercz Msc. economist
Dr. László Zentai Msc. mechanical engineer-economist
Endre Fazekas Msc. food industry engineer-economist
Zsolt Szalóczy Msc. physicist-climate researcher
László Kiss Msc. mechanical engineer, Lean expert
Prof. PhD. Béla Visklocz Msc. chemist
Mátyás Hunyadi Msc. human ecologist-environmental economist.



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